Primary Threshold

Cracking the Code: Deciphering the Primary Threshold’s Impact

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Every business owner understands the correlation between their Experience MOD (XMOD) and what they will pay in workers’ compensation premiums.  When the XMOD increases, there is a good chance that the workers’ compensation rates or premiums will rise as well.  This is why it is so crucial to really hone in on company safety procedures to limit work-related injuries as much as possible.  The reality is that even the safest company that does everything the right way is going to run into a workers’ compensation claim from time to time.

Properly Utilizing Tailgate Meetings

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

For many foremen and superintendents, weekly tailgate meetings can feel like a task that just needs to be checked off the list. However, while the purpose of these meetings is critical for the health and well-being of fellow field employees, the time required and repetitive nature of them can create challenges. To maximize the benefits of these meetings, construction firms must be proactive and thoughtful as they develop an inventory of topics.

Construction Death Rate Not Decreasing as Expected

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

With the heightened safety regulations and OSHA guidelines over the past decade, many would think we are working in a much safer environment with fewer fatalities. Despite the rising number of employees and using a standard based off deaths per 100,000 employees, the data is showing that the number of fatalities are the same as they were a decade ago.

The Link Between Your EMR and Primary Threshold

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

One of the biggest concerns for contractors is their Experience Modification Rating (EMR). If your EMR exceeds 1.00 or 1.25, contractors can be removed from bid lists and premiums can escalate quickly. Most decision makers have little idea what factors contribute to the EMR and just how claims can impact them.

Changes in the 2019 Experience Modification Formula – Are You Ready? (Part 2)

Author, David J. Garcia, A.A.I, CRIS, President, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As we approach 2019, there will be several changes in the experience modification formula that directly affects the calculation of an employer's 2019 Experience Modification Rate (EMR).

Part 1 of this article describes the Primary Threshold and Expected Loss Rate. Read Part 1 of this article. Part 2 provides an overview of the changes to the EMR calculation. 

Changes in the 2019 Experience Modification Formula – Are You Ready? (Part 1)

Author, David J. Garcia, A.A.I, CRIS, President, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As we approach 2019, there will be several changes in the experience modification formula that directly affects the calculation of an employer's 2019 Experience Modification Rate (EMR). Sadly, most businesses are both unaware and unprepared.

How To Lower Your Experience MOD by Understanding Your Primary Threshold

Author, Drew Garcia, NALP Program Director, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc. 

The Experience Modifier (i.e., experience MOD, MOD, XMOD, experience modification rating, EMR) weighs heavy on the calculation of your workers' compensation premium. With a MOD rating of 1.00 signifying unity  (i.e., the average for your industry), any MOD above 1.00 is considered adverse. Thus, any MOD below 1.00 is considered better than average. Higher MODs will debit the premium, resulting in higher workers' compensation premiums, while lower MODs will credit the premium, resulting in lower workers' compensation premiums.