Property Insurance

Property Insurance in California Continues to be a Ticking Time Bomb

Author, Jeremy Hoolihan, Partner, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Insurance industry experts and legislators continue to work with Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and the California Department of Insurance (CDI) to address the overwhelming crisis in the insurance property market.  On March 26th, 2024, there was a public hearing to address the crisis.

The Road to Recovery: Commissioner Lara's Plan to Rescue Property Insurance in California

Author, Jeremy Hoolihan, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

California Governor Gavin Newsom recently declared property insurance a State of Emergency in CA based on a mass exodus of property insurance companies. This has allowed CA Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara to strike a deal with insurance companies to encourage new coverage in the State. The changes are slated to go into effect by the end of 2024. However, the hope is that insurers will begin to write homeowner’s policies sooner.

Key Elements of a Lessor’s Risk Policy

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As a landlord and owner of commercial property, you have exposures like fire, theft and bodily injury that must be addressed to protect your investment and, in many cases, a family asset from risk. As you look to finance these properties, most lenders will require checks and balances to ensure that your property is properly insured and that the mutual investment is protected.

2021 Insurance Game Plan

Author, Dave Garcia, President, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As we come to the end of 2020, the most challenging year most of us have ever experienced, where COVID-19, wild fires and other natural disasters took their toll emotionally, physically, mentally and financially on all of us we can only hope for a brighter 2021.

Common Sense Strategies for Lowering Risk and Managing Liability

Author, Daniel Frazee, Executive Vice President, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

While business owners spend thousands of hours becoming experts in their own field, most know very little about the intricacies of purchasing commercial insurance. Consider exploring these topics further as you prepare for your upcoming renewal cycle.