
Empower Your Crew: The Importance of Heat Illness Training and Preparedness

Author, Greg Garcia, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As the calendar turns to April and warmer weather into spring time, now is a great time to take a look at your current Heat Illness Prevention Plan (HIPP), as well as make sure all crew members are up to date on their heat illness training.

California Rainy Season Offers Online Training Opportunity for Employees

Author, Megan Lockhart, Client Communications Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Californians have experienced record storms this year along with other parts of the United States. However, with Spring on the horizon, construction companies are preparing for rainier months still ahead. When job sites close due to rain and flooding, it's a good opportunity for employees to use that time to revisit safety and operational skills with online training.

How to Strategically Grow Your Construction Company

Author, Casey Craig, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

One of the biggest ongoing challenges in the construction industry today is hiring and retaining quality employees that can help build on a company’s foundation. Growing a construction company in a sustainable way through internal promotions while also integrating new hires can separate one company from its competitors.

Back to the Books: Fall Months Call for Driver Preparedness

Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

As schools begin filtering back into session, more vehicles flood the roads in the mornings and afternoons. The “rush hour” traffic is back in full swing. From construction workers on their way to the jobsite to parents rushing their kids to school, more vehicles on the road means more risk for accidents, and an uptick in insurance claims.

Plan Your SafetyOne™ App to Best Suit Your Organization’s Needs

Author, Megan Lockhart, Media Communications and Client Services Coordinator, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Rancho Mesa aims to provide clients with tools that are flexible in order to best fit their individual needs, including our proprietary SafetyOne™ application. SafetyOne’s features are systemized based on “Projects.” However, projects are highly adaptable to the way each individual organization works.