Equipment Loss

Avoid Audit Nightmares with Properly Classified Tree Care Industry Equipment and Vehicle Maintenance Operations

Author, Rory Anderson, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

Tree care companies use specialized vehicles and equipment to perform their work. These assets are vital to the success of the company. To maintain their effectiveness, the machines need routine maintenance and upkeep. Issues arise when they break down, so it’s important to repair them immediately to limit business interruptions such as decreased productivity and profitability. The maintenance of the machinery can be a full time job, and some tree care businesses are lucky enough to have an employee, or a team of employees, dedicated to shop maintenance.

Don’t Get Skunked: Properly Insuring Large Tree Care Equipment

Author, Rory Anderson, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

These days, everything is more expensive. Between inflation and supply chain issues, the cost of equipment is steadily increasing. As the tree care industry becomes more mechanized, we see new technological advancements in machinery and equipment that are greatly improving the productivity, profitability, and safety of the industry. These big ticket equipment purchases are a major investment for a tree care business. It is important to make sure that your assets are insured correctly so you can rest easy knowing that if something were to happen to them, you are properly covered. This can provide financial protection and affirm business continuity.