Commercial Auto

Best Practice Tips for Lowering Your Commercial Auto Rates

Author, Jeremy Hoolihan, Partner, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

For the last several years, the insurance industry has seen a significant increase in auto rates.  In 2023, the top ten auto carriers in the US all saw double digit rate increases.  This, in addition to the rate increases we’ve seen since 2018, equates to rates anywhere from 20-50% higher than we had just a few years ago.  According to US auto insurers, these rate increases are still not keeping up with the skyrocketing claim frequency and severity.  Therefore, we are likely to continue to see auto rates increase before things level off. 

Heat Illness Awareness Vital for California's Construction Companies

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

California faces a critical need to prioritize heat illness awareness among its workforce. The combination of Southern California's recent above average rainfall and the anticipated heatwave resulting from El Niño has created the possibility of an extremely warm summer. Construction companies must remain vigilant and adaptable, implementing appropriate measures to address these changing weather dynamics and ensuring the safety of their workers. By staying informed about weather forecasts and implementing flexible work schedules and site preparations, companies can effectively navigate these challenging conditions and prioritize the well-being of their employees. By understanding the significance of heat illness awareness, companies can ensure the safety and well-being of their workers while fostering productivity, minimizing downtime, and improving overall project efficiency.

Insurance Benefits of GPS Systems in Commercial Vehicles

Author, Kevin Howard, Account Executive, Rancho Mesa Insurance Services, Inc.

For businesses that rely on a fleet of commercial vehicles, insurance costs can be a significant expense. Insurance carriers calculate premiums based on a variety of factors, including the age and condition of the vehicles, driver experience and record, and the frequency and distance of trips. One factor that can positively impact insurance costs is the use of global positioning systems (GPS) in commercial vehicles. Below, we will explore some of the insurance benefits of installing GPS systems in commercial vehicles.